Augmented Reality Privacy And Security: A Primer


Augmented reality is a technology that uses computer-generated enhancements to make the physical world more meaningful to us. So, for example, if you’re looking at a statue of a building in augmented reality, it might show you historical facts about the building or tell you about its architect. In this blog post we’ll be discussing privacy and security issues with augmented reality and how they can be addressed going forward.

Augmented Reality Privacy And Security: A Primer

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is a technology that allows you to interact with the real world in new ways. It uses a combination of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and live video from your smartphone camera to overlay digital objects onto what you see through the lens. For example, imagine walking down the street and seeing an animated tree suddenly appear on your phone screen–this is an example of augmented reality at work!

The best way to understand how this works is by looking at some examples:

Augmented Reality and Privacy

Augmented reality (AR) is a new technology, so there are many issues to be resolved. Privacy and security are major concerns for AR. In this article, we’ll look at how privacy differs from other contexts, what can be done about it, and how security differs from other contexts and what can be done about it.

The first thing you need to know is that unlike other technologies like cameras or microphones that record audio-video data on their own devices and then upload it somewhere else–like Facebook or YouTube–AR requires an app or program running on the device itself (e.g., smartphone). This means that even though you may not realize it when using apps like Pokémon Go!, they’re collecting information about where you go and what objects appear around them by taking snapshots of the real world through their cameras’ lenses every second or two!

Security in AR

Security is a big concern in augmented reality. While privacy is a major issue, it’s not the only aspect that needs to be considered. Security can be broken down into three categories: privacy, safety and security.

Privacy refers to protecting information from being accessed by others without your consent or knowledge. Safety refers to ensuring that no harm comes to you through using AR technology (e.g., if someone hacks into your camera and uses it as a weapon). Security is about protecting all aspects of your device–including its operating system and hardware–against hackers who may want access for nefarious purposes (e.g., stealing data).

There is a lot of work to be done to safeguard privacy and security in augmented reality.

There is a lot of work to be done to safeguard privacy and security in augmented reality.

Privacy concerns are already a major issue for AR, as it’s possible for users to be tracked by their phone’s GPS or other sensors, which can lead to a loss of privacy. Additionally, if you’re wearing headphones while using an app that collects data about your surroundings–like Google Maps–you could inadvertently share sensitive information with third parties who may not have the best intentions. Security issues also plague augmented reality platforms: For example, some apps allow unauthorized access to sensitive data they collect through their apps; others don’t encrypt personal information before sending it over the internet (or don’t encrypt it at all).


We are entering a new era of computing and it’s important that we take the time to ensure that our data is secure. Augmented reality will change the way we interact with technology, but at its core it remains just another form of information sharing over networks. This means that all of the problems we have faced in the past with privacy and security will continue into this new world unless we address them head on now.